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时间:2024-04-26   浏览:0次

1、原来时间,只是让我习惯了痛。 The original time, just let me get used to the pain. 2、你说可不可笑?先说爱的放弃了,后动心的不死心。 Is that ridiculous? First of all, love gave up, and then moved not to give up. 3、此生缘分已尽,不求来生,只愿未来的日子里各自安好。 The fate of this life has been done, do not seek the next life, just wish the future days of their own well. 4、需要人陪的时候,发现我只剩下手机。 When I needed someone to accompany me, I found that I only had my mobile phone. 5、如果你真的想要忘记一个人,要学会放弃一些东西。 If you really want to forget someone, learn to give up something. 6、这充满柔情蜜意的目光,既脉脉含情,同时又荡人心魄。 This is full of tender eyes, both affectionate, but also the soul. 7、我们的故事,以我打扰开始,以我多余结束。 Our story begins with my interruption and ends with my redundancy. 8、那些离别和失望的伤痛,已经发不出声音来了。 The pain of parting and disappointment has lost its voice. 9、有些事就像纽扣,一开始就扣错了,可只有到最后才不得不承认。 Some things are like buttons. They are wrong at the beginning, but only in the end can we have to admit them. 10、我不会问,不会提,难过了就一个人不停地走。 I will not ask, will not mention, sad on a person to keep walking. 11、不知道明年的今天,我是否还在等待。 I don't know if I'm still waiting for today next year. 12、幸福,不一定没受伤过! Happiness, not necessarily without injury! 13、为我最爱的人,学一首他最爱的歌。 My favorite song. 14、哭,不一定是伤心事! Crying is not necessarily a sad thing! 15、那些给你带来快乐的事物,终究会给你带来悲伤。 The things that bring you happiness will eventually bring you sorrow. 16、有一种错过,叫爱而不得。 There is a kind of Miss, called love but not. 17、终有一天,你会遇到那么一个人,是你爱的,也是可以在一起的。 One day, you will meet someone who you love and can be together. 18、人的关系就是这么脆弱,你闹闹脾气,这人就再也不是你的了。 The relationship between people is so fragile that if you get angry, this person will no longer be yours. 19、偶尔动情,记得要醒。 Occasionally emotional, remember to wake up. 20、爱不能爱,放不能放。 Love can't love, can't let go. 21、天若有情,赐我相伴你身边。此情可待,朝朝暮暮只与你! If you love me, give me to accompany you. This feeling can wait, day and night only with you! 22、世上最苦的恋爱是明明互相暗恋,可一無所知,所以沒在一起。 The bitterest love in the world is to love each other secretly, but know nothing about it, so we are not together. 23、开始学着不要人陪,假装孤单也是一种美。 Start to learn not to accompany, pretending to be lonely is also a kind of beauty. 24、我爱过,疯过,傻过,执着过,坚持过,到最后还是我一个人过。 I love, crazy, stupid, persistent, insisted, to the end or I have a person. 25、离开,不一定很潇洒! Leave, not necessarily very chic! 26、你知道失望的感觉吗?就是我再也不为你找借口了。 Do you know what it's like to be disappointed? I'll never make excuses for you anymore. 27、你成了你我的逃兵,却做了别人的英雄。 You become a deserter for me and you, but you are a hero for others. 28、还是不喜欢你好,睡得早又爱笑。 Still don't like you, sleep early and love to laugh. 29、时间筛选真正爱你的人,最终能留下的都是真正想对你好的人。 Time to screen the people who really love you, and the people who really want to be nice to you. 30、后来我始终记得是我一厢情愿,怪不得别人。 Later, I always remember that it was my wishful thinking, no wonder others. 31、被人抛弃了并不可怕,可怕的是自己将自己放弃了。 It's not terrible to be abandoned. What's terrible is that you give up yourself. 32、大概是孤单久了,碰到任何东西都会推开。 Maybe I've been alone for a long time, and I'll push away when I touch anything. 33、害怕不能在一起,所以不敢太爱你。 I'm afraid I can't be together, so I can't love you too much. 34、暗恋你就像往海里扔了一颗小石子,渺小,微不足道。 Loving you secretly is like throwing a small stone into the sea, small and insignificant. 35、与君同船渡,达岸各自归。 Crossing with you on the same boat, arriving at the shore and returning to each other. 36、沉默久了,会受罪! Silence for a long time, will suffer! 37、每个人心里都有一个人,想了碰不得,扔了舍不得。 There is a person in everyone's heart, can't touch, throw can't give up. 38、最苦的糖,无非就是你的喜糖。 The bitterest sugar is nothing more than your joy candy. 39、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 When tears flow down, just know, separate is another kind of understanding. 40、如果你是一匹千里马,那么请做自己的伯乐。 If you are a thousand mile horse, then please be your own bole. 41、人不是因为寂寞而寂寞,而是心里有了牵挂而寂寞。 People are not lonely because of loneliness, but lonely with care in their hearts. 42、我再也不会奋不顾身的去爱一个人了,哪怕是你。 I will never be desperate to love a person, even if it is you. 43、爱上一个人,无缘,等待一颗心,无情。 Fall in love with a person, no fate, waiting for a heart, heartless. 44、听闻过往,十有九悲。听闻爱情,十人九伤。 Hearing of the past, there are nine sorrows in ten. Hearing of love, ten people are hurt. 45、一个人的孤单,未曾有过的寂寞心情被这暗夜层层包裹。 A person's loneliness, has never had the lonely mood by this dark night layer by layer package. 46、黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,它却让我爱上黑夜给我的疼痛。 The night gives me black eyes, but it makes me fall in love with the pain of the night. 47、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那一刻开始。 Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone. 48、曾经以为,我是你心中永远的春天。 Once thought, I was the spring in your heart forever. 49、假若爱一个人没有回应,与其乞讨爱情,不如骄傲地走开。 If you love someone and don't respond, it's better to walk away with pride than to beg for love. 50、路灯和我之间,究竟谁是谁的过客,谁是谁生命的点缀。 Between the streetlights and me, who is whose passer-by, who is the ornament of whose life.





